BEFORE the first floor REMODEL

Monday, September 13, 2010

Belated Update!!

Sorry we have not updated lately. We know many of you rely on the postings and don’t call because you don’t want to bother. We will try to be more prudent.
Throughout the summer, Lynn’s condition remained relatively stable. She continued to receive chemo, Gemzar which is a targeted agent. She did pretty well on it with. Although she still has affected areas, at least the treatment seemed to keep the growth controlled. It is also more tolerable than some of the harsher drugs. We had a recent scare which had us believing chemo may be winding down but we are reevaluating this issue this week.
The problem we are dealing with is pain management. Lynn’s cancer has infiltrated in some bones including her ribs and some vertebrae. We are working with the palliative doctors to try to address this and we are currently examining options. We are confident these good doctors will come up with some solutions for her pain.
With the chemo, the pain meds and her body fighting this disease, she is tired, really tired so if we haven’t attended a function, we are sorry. We love to see all so we do the best we can. Lynn also still hits the office as much as she can because she wants to. She loves her clients and everyone at the office is like family.
The kids are doing well. Jake continues to live large in Chicago, Danny is headed to Denver to network to try to find something more permanent after his MUHS gig and Abigail is back at St. Mary’s for her junior year. Their strength is a beautiful thing to see.
Our love to each and every one of you. The love, support and continued prayers have been unending. Words truly cannot thank you. We could never have made it this far without you all. For all those we owe a thank you note for the gifts and flowers, please accept this as our sincere thanks.
Lynn and Tim

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