BEFORE the first floor REMODEL

Friday, August 28, 2009

Prayer 'Alert Level' Upgraded to Orange

Dearest All,

We are asking you to kick up the prayer level a bit as we have been presented with some additional challenges this week. I had my routine scans and unfortunately, there are a couple of areas that are of a “concern” to my Oncologist. My adrenal gland is enlarged again and this was a gland that was problematic initially. There is also some “shadowing” outside where my lung was removed that was not there previously. These areas were clear nine weeks ago when I was scanned. They are both close to where the original tumor was.

I will be having a PET scan on Monday, 8/31 and the results will be definitive as to whether the cancer has reared its ugly head. We meet with the doctor on Wednesday to get the results. We also have a meeting with a radiation oncologist to discuss radiation options as both of the lesions are small. We have had discussions about going to see Dr. Patel at Northwestern. She is a world renowned lung cancer specialist who is on the cutting edge of clinical trials and treatment. If the current treatment isn’t working, we will need a new cocktail mixed. The good news is that there still appear to be some treatment options. Also it was good to get the news that the cancer is not in my liver or in my brain.

We also will be investigating some new diagnostic options and lung cancer markings which are used to customize treatment being offered at Mass General in Boston.

The good news is I feel great and find it hard to believe that I may not be as healthy as I feel. My hair is filling in really fast and I have ¾ inch alfalfa sprouts all over my head under the long thin hair I have never lost. I have a great deal more energy than before and “feel normal”. My life is good today.

Well, these were not the results we were hoping for as things were returning to some semblance of normal, but we do have options to address this current situation in the event the news is that the cancer has returned.

I cannot thank you all enough for all your love, prayers and support. You all have been incredible especially Patricia B. and Jaki C. who do not let a single week go by since January without dropping a note…adding a prayer or Bible verse. I cherish each and every word from each of you. It is funny because I was getting ready to tell ‘you all’ to knock it off and focus on someone who needs support and ‘save’ my help for when I really need it…and now I am asking for your thoughts and prayers and support as we face these current challenges. Please keep me and all of my family in your prayers.

Lynn, Tim and family

I will update my blog as we get more information. I know you all want to chat or have me drop a note or e-mail but I just don’t have the time. Just know I love you all and I thank God every day for each of you. I am truly blessed to have all of you in my LIFE.