BEFORE the first floor REMODEL

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

OVERDUE Health Update

All I can say is I am sorry for not updating my information when I have so many people looking for my status and wondering at what 'prayer level' we currently are.
Okay, let's get right to the update. The oral chemo drug did not well enough for me to stay on it. The side effects were pretty yuck also so I was okay with stopping it. My recent CT scans showed similar results to the last time---the tumors still remain in the same three areas (lymph nodes near my removed lung, in the lining of an area near my removed lung, and in my adrenal gland) and all three tumors have grown slightly. The tumor in my removed lung lining has spread and permeated my right 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs which is causing some constant pain, similar to fractured ribs. They are controlling this with medication.
All of my MD's were in agreement that I should start radiation on my ribs to shrink the tumor and mitigate the pain. I have also received a PET scan and a brain MRI. Very good news that there were no tumors in my brain, or liver, or anywhere else for that metter!! Celebration!! Because my tumors are currently confined to only 3 areas, my MD's have agreed (reluctantly) to radiate all 3 areas simultaneously. The treatments are over 4 weeks. I have just begun week 2 yesterday and all is going well.
My MD's have stopped my oral chemo drug in search of a different systemic treatment with better results. These options are being further explored while I am in radiation and I hope something can be implemented soon after my radiation ceases. I NEED a successful systemic treatment (chemo) to survive.
The current prayer status is therefore changing from orange to red! Please pray my MD's find something that helps keep my tumors controlled. I was diagnosed last December 1st and I feel I have been successfully 'living with cancer' which was the goal all along. I feel good about this past year.
Now on to the social and family aspects of 'living'. Some of our dearest friends took care of ONE of only two items on my bucket list...and I can't think of the second item! We took a luxurious private jet to the ROCK 'N ROLL hall of fame and besides a great tour, we had FRONT row seats to a Janis Joplin musical tribute which was fantastic! A private post-performance party with all the musicians lasted way past my bedtime--we had a nice conversation and pictures with the lead singer of SANTANA! WOW summaries the trip.
I was also healthy enough to make a quick trip to Dallas where an SEBS associate was getting married. I stayed with friends who hosted the wedding...and came back and changed a number of items on my current remodel job to incorporate what I saw at their lovely home. I call my first floor remodel job 'The Jaki Project' as her home was the inspiration for redoing my kitchen and first floor.
My kids are all doing well and were home for Thanksgiving. Son Dan shot his first deer which will help feed him and his roomates who are teaching down at MUHS. Jake is busy selling to make his year end goals and Abbey is studying hard for some good grades this semester @ St. Mary's in Winona, MN.

In my second week of radiation, I am feeling a decrease in the 24/7 pain I had been experiencing. All your prayers have kept me successfully 'living with cancer' for an entire year!! I pray to God everyday for ALL of you who so generously keep me in your prayers. God thinks I am a VIP when he looks at the number of prayers coming into my name. THANK YOU and I promise to provide updates when there is news to report. I will be getting scanned after I complete the radiation therapy. Hugs & Kisses to all of you. Lynn

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Treatment---New Hope
So sorry for my tardiness! I know many of you rely on this blog. Our prayers have been answered for the meantime. Apparently, God listens (we should never be surprised) because we have been directed to Northwestern and a world- renowned lung oncologist, Dr. Jyoti Patel. We were more than a little nervous because we were not sure what options remained for treatment after we were told the cancer has returned in early September, and Froedtert did not think I was a candidate for radiation. I think Dr. Patel saw the somewhat apprehensive look on our faces when she came into the room because before she even introduced herself, she said she wanted us to know that there are a few conventional treatment options available and that is before we even have to look at clinical trials. I appear to be a candidate if we ever have to go that route. There appears to be a number of ongoing trials, one of which is in Madison.

She has prescribed Tarceva, an oral chemo drug, taken daily. The side effects include rash, fatigue, diarrhea (maybe this will take care of some of the weight gain from the last drugs) so I am not complaining! I am very happy to be off those awful steroids which made me feel for a few days like I had “mad-cow” disease. I really feel pretty good on this treatment. Dr. Patel is going to keep a close watch over me scanning me every month (I am so far behind on this I am already due for my scans). The other requirement is that my liver tolerates the treatment. I had the liver function tests which turned out fine and we will go to see Dr. Patel tomorrow, Thursday which will be 4 weeks on my new treatment. If this treatment didn’t work, we will move on to the next one.

I remain optimistic and I am grateful for all of the continued prayers and good thoughts not only for me but for all of my family. I have said this countless times, but words cannot express how thankful I am for all the love and support I have received over these many months. I love you all and plan to be around for a while to share that love with you. FOR THOSE OF YOU TO WHOM I STILL OWE THANK-YOU NOTES…PLEASE accept this as my written thanks for all the cards, gifts, PRAYERS, bible passages pertinent to my situation which have been written down for me, the great wine, and on and on and on and on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am receiving faster than I can reply but I pray every day for you-who are so faithfully praying for me.

Now back to work and play. I just returned from Portland, OR for a business meeting last week and this past weekend, went off to Door County for an annual “long weekend”. This Friday thru Monday it’s east to New York City for kosher corned beef and ‘purse heaven’ in Chinatown. Talk about fatigue! I will be happy to get back to work after all my travels! Seriously, we have hired 2 new employees on the health side and I have a part-time person helping on the disability side of the business. I have committed to slowing down. I cannot keep up with the demands of 10 hour days!! It will be a gradual slow down and our entire company has been so wonderful and understanding. I love the people I work with and my clients of the last 19 years and that’s why I go in everyday. Sometimes I am useless but they let me sit there anyway!!

God is good, all the time! Life is good, all the time!

I will write after my appointment at NWU.

Love to you all,

Friday, August 28, 2009

Prayer 'Alert Level' Upgraded to Orange

Dearest All,

We are asking you to kick up the prayer level a bit as we have been presented with some additional challenges this week. I had my routine scans and unfortunately, there are a couple of areas that are of a “concern” to my Oncologist. My adrenal gland is enlarged again and this was a gland that was problematic initially. There is also some “shadowing” outside where my lung was removed that was not there previously. These areas were clear nine weeks ago when I was scanned. They are both close to where the original tumor was.

I will be having a PET scan on Monday, 8/31 and the results will be definitive as to whether the cancer has reared its ugly head. We meet with the doctor on Wednesday to get the results. We also have a meeting with a radiation oncologist to discuss radiation options as both of the lesions are small. We have had discussions about going to see Dr. Patel at Northwestern. She is a world renowned lung cancer specialist who is on the cutting edge of clinical trials and treatment. If the current treatment isn’t working, we will need a new cocktail mixed. The good news is that there still appear to be some treatment options. Also it was good to get the news that the cancer is not in my liver or in my brain.

We also will be investigating some new diagnostic options and lung cancer markings which are used to customize treatment being offered at Mass General in Boston.

The good news is I feel great and find it hard to believe that I may not be as healthy as I feel. My hair is filling in really fast and I have ¾ inch alfalfa sprouts all over my head under the long thin hair I have never lost. I have a great deal more energy than before and “feel normal”. My life is good today.

Well, these were not the results we were hoping for as things were returning to some semblance of normal, but we do have options to address this current situation in the event the news is that the cancer has returned.

I cannot thank you all enough for all your love, prayers and support. You all have been incredible especially Patricia B. and Jaki C. who do not let a single week go by since January without dropping a note…adding a prayer or Bible verse. I cherish each and every word from each of you. It is funny because I was getting ready to tell ‘you all’ to knock it off and focus on someone who needs support and ‘save’ my help for when I really need it…and now I am asking for your thoughts and prayers and support as we face these current challenges. Please keep me and all of my family in your prayers.

Lynn, Tim and family

I will update my blog as we get more information. I know you all want to chat or have me drop a note or e-mail but I just don’t have the time. Just know I love you all and I thank God every day for each of you. I am truly blessed to have all of you in my LIFE.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another Milestone

Well, the first 6 rounds of “Big Girl” chemo is finished…thank God! It really was not fun and I’m happy it’s over. Fatigue is my biggest complaint right now, plus substantial hair loss and migraine headaches. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we got the results of the scans and the results were very positive…what I mean is that the scans were clean and there is no evidence of any active cancer right now. They will never say “cancer free” but this is probably as close as I’ll ever get. Dr. Choong and his staff are also pleased and said he does not see these kinds of positive results at my stage very often. He said I am a patient that will make him famous.
I have now started “phase 3” of the treatment (surgery & chemo being phases 1 and 2). Phase 3 is maintenance chemo. Originally the plan was to continue on one of the drugs from my initial chemo that really wasn’t a chemo drug but rather, a targeted agent called Avastin which I understood to have no side effects. But when I arrived for my first maintenance chemo, Dr. Choong said the recent clinical studies showed much greater success with the continuation of another drug, Alimta, which is a chemo drug. While I wasn’t expecting any side effects, I am going to have some-but nothing in comparison to what I have been going through for the first 6 rounds. As long as it is working, it will be ok. The schedule is still every three weeks, but it does not take as long so I call it “Drive- Through” chemo. They will continue to scan me every three treatments (nine weeks) to keep me monitored. If I remain stable, I can receive this treatment for up to two years. I have already had 1 treatment and have another one this Wednesday, July 8th. There continue to be some bumps in the road, but overall things are going pretty well.
We continue to count our blessings and words cannot express the gratitude that I have for such beautiful family and friends. Thank you for your unending prayers, thoughts and inspirational cards…I feel your prayers every day. As you think of me and of my family, please keep in mind all the others who suffer from this and other illnesses. It is almost beyond comprehension the people I know and love who are also suffering.
I will keep you updated but if you do not hear anything for awhile, things are going pretty well. I also try to answer e-mails as I get time. If I do not answer right away, please understand I’ll get to you as soon as possible.
Much love to all,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


It's my last chemotherapy and when I meet with the MD on Friday, I find that I have lots of questions...why no radiation therapy?? Why 2 more years of chemo?? Can I be any more fatigued? So, if you have any questions, let me have them so I can ask the questions that YOU have also!! I will check in after Friday! Lots of love to you and your families. Lynn

Sunday, May 10, 2009


#5 Chemotherapy from last Friday is history!


I always feel great on that Chemo Friday and usually on Saturday-then by Sunday (BUT NOT TODAY ON MOTHER’s DAY) I start feeling “funky” is the only way to explain it…each day presents some new issue and each day is touch and go. And then by Thursday afternoon, I go back to being and feeling pretty normal and on Friday I am ready to return to life.

I am at the point in my treatment that some symptoms are progressive. My sore mouth, tongue, and throat are really sore. My voice is going quickly. I get frequent headaches. The fatigue is the worst of it from my lowered red cell count. If I am up at 6 a.m., naptime could be at 9, noon, and 3 p.m.-tired all day right now but the fatigue and the migraine frequency should subside after the next, #6, chemotherapy.

And while we are looking forward to the end of THIS cycle of chemotherapy, it looks like I will begin a different “cocktail” regimen of 2 of the same drugs I receive now BUT not the one nasty drug that really gives me all of the side effects so that sounds much more pleasant to me. This maintenance chemotherapy will be given every three weeks and may be given for up to another 2 years—which is the maximum length they can give.

Dr. Choong explained that radiation is not preformed on Stage 4 lung cancers that have metastasized. ABSENT THE MIRACLE FOR WHICH WE HAVE ALL BEEN PRAYING, they do the best they can to keep you living with the cancer and keep it controlled in your body. They will continue to scan me about every 3-4 treatments and I think they try other chemotherapies if it starts to metastasize again. We have again been given some time on the horizon for which we are thankful.

Thanks to all of you for your continues PRAYERS, support, flowers, gifts. Thanks to GOD for taking such good care of me so far, and PRAY that this next round of maintenance chemotherapy brings along with it all peaceful, prayerful, and asymptomatic days.

Trips to Phoenix and Denver were great…but Denver was a bit of work just doing normal activities at the higher altitude. I am glad Dan is coming back!

The rest of the Steinles’ are doing well. Jake loves his sales exec job in Chicago with UNUM. Dan graduated last weekend from Regis University and will be coming back to Milwaukee to teach for one year at MUHS in their Alumni Service Corp program. He will likely teach either Art History or English Literature and HOPES to use his Visual Arts Degree with Photography is some way. He will move back at the beginning of August. They will supply his housing and a stipend for meals…he may need a part time job!!!
Abbey successfully completed her Freshman year at St. Mary’s in Winona, MN…and can’t wait to return…long summer coming!

All kids are coming back for the Memorial Day Parade and it will be a feeling good week for me!! Hope to see you all as the weather warms up.

I continue to be blessed every day of my life because of my wonderful husband who is taking such good care of me every day, and my family and friends!
Love to all of you, Lynn

P.S. I tried to change the settings on this blog so you can leave comments for me...or email to me at above address.

Monday, April 13, 2009

ALLELUIA !!! Some long-awaited GOOD news!!!

I had my brain MRI and CT scan of the rest of my organs on Good Friday as planned. We expected results this Friday but got the call today with the GREAT results. The brain MRI was clear!!! The CT scans showed that the chemo is working. The spot on my liver is gone!! The shadows around my adrenal gland and other “watch” areas are all gone!! The one cancer remaining is in that lymph node in my chest area which they could not remove because of the entwinement with an organ (my heart, I think). That lymph node should shrink with the chemo and I still do not know if I am a candidate for any radiation. I will ask that question on Friday when we see the Dr. before my next chemo treatment #4.

It’s such a great news day today! I hoped and prayed every day for this good news and thought it would be good because other than those 5-6 funky days (as I call them) after chemo, I am feeling so good…still fatigued, a few aches and pains, but otherwise, really good for where I am in this process.

My friend Jaki, shared one of her favorite verses with me and I will share it with you, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,…plans to give you hope and a future…You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart”. Jeremiah 29:11,13 Thanks, Jaki!! Spring HAS refreshed my spirit with new hope and new strength.

It looks like future travel plans for my national SEBS meeting in Scottsdale, and Danny’s graduation from Regis University in May are a GO!

All I can continue to do is to say thanks to everyone for helping me through this very difficult journey. Even if we don't speak, I benefit from your prayers, cards, gifts, good wishes and positive thoughts. I continue to be blessed every day of my life because of my friends!
Love, Lynn

P.S. I tried to change the settings on this blog so you can leave comments for me...or email to me at above address.

Friday, March 27, 2009


It’s Friday, the day of chemo which is over, but I feel pretty good! We will sit around watching some good basketball tonight and for the next few days. We will return on Sunday to the cancer care center for preventive fluids and anti nausea drip drugs to insure a good vs. bad next week. The trip to FL did me good! We arrived home last night before chemo. Moderate sun intake, moderate Malibu rum intake (with every healthy juice mix available-including digestive friendly PLUM JUICE)…trying to be good! I was very relaxed and when TIM wasn’t snoring, I slept very well…as did the rest of the house guests. Developed some migraine headaches down there which COULD have been due to the MU WARRIOR loss!! I even had my ‘Buck the Fadgers’ t-shirt ready in case MU met UW in the sweet sixteen…back on the shelf until next season.

April 10th, Good Friday, I will be having a CT scan of my chest, liver and other body organs and also a brain MRI to see if we are making progress with the chemo. Since everyone I know MAY be in prayer mode on this day, please say one for me…that I get some really needed good news after these diagnostic tests.

Read a great book in FL that I highly recommend to all…’The Shack’…Great story and you will see God in a whole new light!!

Tim’s family will be coming to visit at Easter…we have never been home for Easter, always in FL so this will be new to us. We will welcome Maggie and Tim, Beth with son Matt and new fiancĂ© Shannon, Charlie (Anne) and maybe Charlie and Franny…Jake and Abbey and Tim and I can’t wait to see you! Danny is gearing up for graduation and cannot make the trip.

I came home to some great cards from the loyal crew that sends them every week to keep up my spirits!! THANKS to Jaki & Mike, Patricia, Mary A., Aunt Evie, Aunt Dorothy, and Joanie B. (Mrs. B)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Creative Happiness 24/7

I am finding how hard it is to always stay happy and positive these days. YOU have all done such a great job of lifting my spirits (even though I cry when I am happy now-HAPPY TEARS) and have shared some really powerful prayers from a variety of sources. I keep your individual names on each of these prayer snipits or books and smile with thoughts of you as I pray each day.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


CHEMO #2------ONE WORD-IT’s OVER!!!!!!!!!! Here is the clinical update first. The FIRST chemo cycle was one bad week, one great week and one so-so week. I was able to work steadily during my good week but only sporadically the other times. I have been able to stay healthy between #1 and #2 but have had to sacrifice my social life for it and staying away from people!! It’s hard to do! But my Blood count stayed healthy.The so-so week was NOT due to the chemo but due to the continued healing process of my surgical site where the lung was removed. And this pain continues. All the nerves and muscles are starting to regenerate and come back to life from numbness…all at the same time---OUCH---BUT GOOD that this is happening!!! Tim went off to a silent retreat last weekend while I had my chemo #2. My girlfriends, sister and I do NOT understand this quiet concept for 4 days. My second session chemo escorts were Sherry and Mary and we laughed, talked and the 8 hours we were there went pretty quickly.chemo #2 had 2 new drugs and one similar drug to chemo #1 so I have been experiencing better physical results without the horrible nausea stuff. We are so confident of this continuing, we booked a flight to Florida for mid March and will stay a week and return for my next #3 chemo treatment on March 27th. I hope my only complaint in Florida is that I ran out of ice in my “whatever-tini” I am drinking that day. God willing with me AND good weather, I should have a nice tan and a relaxed body for chemo #3. After the next chemo, they will be doing another (CT) Scan to see where the treatment has been effective and where it is trying to hide next!! Thanks again for the continued flow of cards, I seem to notice more deeply, the added written words, more so than in the beginning when my brain was too crowded with medical stuff. I am going back and re-reading them again. I received a beautiful card from my Aunt Evie this week------one of my many faithful weekly writers------and her last line was, "Remember Lynnie, SPRING ALWAYS COMES”. How simple, how true, how relevant to so many issues in our lives.These words and so many of the words you send me carry me for hours and days---and then more hours and days and I re-read all of my cards again. I find your “words” of encouragement at this time are more meaningful than entire books I read. It took me so long to post this update because I anticipated the same chemo experience and was pleasantly surprised that in this cancer business, it’s not always what you expect, sometimes better, sometimes worse, you need to just remain open for change.
A little added update. Our kids are all doing very well! Abbey is home this weekend from St. Mary’s University in Winona…she arrived with books trying to impress me!!
Danny is 7 weeks away from graduating from Regis University (Denver) with a double major in English Literature and Visual Arts and has many requirements to fulfill before we see him receive that diploma in 7 weeks. He is already exploring opportunities for after graduation.
Jake lives in Chicago and is with UNUM insurance company and finished his 9 month training program and has started his sales position in his Southern IL territory where he will be a few days a week calling on brokers who need his products for their clients.

This cancer/treatment/cure process takes a heck of a long time. Thanks for sticking it out over the long haul. I feel like I am in a time warp right now and appreciate how many tell me they think about me every day! Thank you, thank you, as I know how your days fill up and become overloaded…thanks for keeping me in that busy day.

Hope you all go to watch (Joe King's of Irish Fest) St. Patrick's Day Parade in Milwaukee and stop by a few places for a few green beers!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cancer and Chemo Update 2/20/09

OH BOY, THAT CHEMO!! I guess the good news is that chemo sure was working because my body was beat to heck by it. The usual drugs that block the nausea receptors did not work in me so I am just coming out of a 24/7 nauseous state since last Friday…long week. So, let’s hope for two good weeks before that next ‘cocktail’ is scheduled to be mixed.

We also found out that my cancer is a very fast moving type. Since that last Ct scan (post-surgery) until now, the cancer has already moved into my liver—but only a little bit. Dr Choong says, “The faster the cancer moves, the easier it falls.” So it is a race right now. This advancement means an additional two rounds of chemotherapy (total 6) and the addition of another chemo drug.

My social life still pretty much sucks! Thanks for keeping all the cards coming, I am not usually able to sit and read a book so the cards are very welcome during my inhouse time. I still have to stay somewhat secluded so my immune system stays healthy, I cannot handle germs at this time in the cycle…so hugs from a far to each of you!! But I am checking email again and returning all that I can. Feel free to send your PICTURE and I’ll put it up on the refrigerator with your cheery card and prayerful message!

Love to you all and a HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to ABBEY Steinle on 2/22/09!! You were a great help to me this week!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Chemotherapy 1 Down---3 to go

It was a busy week in my recovery. I had a port implanted for all the future blood draws, ct scan dye injections and for all the chemotherapy and associated drugs they need to use. This port insures they never miss the target and leaves both arms available to do anything I want to do for all those hours...or just sleep and be able to bend your arm. I am also receiving some PT services for the muscle damage left behind from the lung removal and the excessive tension and stress on muscles across my shoulders and back....Donna Butz and YOGA, here I come!!

One thing I didn't fit much of any in this week was work! Needed most of my time for recovery.

As far as the actual chemotherapy, it went fine. They have these drugs almost perfected to avoid all the old nasty side effects, so it’s only the mental you must conquer. Tim was along and my sister, Sherry stopped in for lunch and a bit of conversation. Our analogy for the chemo is 'weed killer' which is my job out in the gardens…sometimes… to keep them beautiful.

The most special time of all my weeks are the 'people' supports I receive-the woman at the hospital who is much further along in her spinal cancer treatment (yeah) who stops me to ask my name so I CAN BE THE OBJECT OF HER PRAYERS while she is in the MRI machine for the next 1/2 hour.
Like the letter I received from someone I had never met (a competitor) who heard I was a good person having a rough time and I would be in his prayers.

My gifts are too numerous to list but a few thanks!! For Aunt Evie, and Dallas Jaki & Mike, and Patricia B. and Pat K. and others who send me cards and write me notes, send prayers each and every week to me. It is very special to me to continue to receive support as this process is so long and it gets lonely down the road for others, not so for me with all that I m receiving. Molly TY for the kind words and flowers. Thank you Nancy B. for the worm scarf that I wear during chemo as I am always chilled. TY Tammy Laurie, my BFF diamond pin always sparkles on whatever I wear...along with the mini-purple tiara that I wear only on the way to chemo...didn't want to scare the nurses while they were working on a real 'sweet potato queen'. TY Brahm Kids for the flowers. TY Marsie & LBJ for driving Miss Daisy. TY Cento kids for the flowers. TY Jen for the vitamins, TY Alison for the healing lavender. TY Helen for the Hibicus but more for the story behind it. Lydia, Patricia B for time in the adoration chapel. Everyone for all the rosaries. And a special TY to the Girls at NDMS-Jazmine, Thania, Esmeraldea, & Jessica for the sweetest Valentine cards I have ever received. TY Paula, chocolate and cancer soap...what treats.

And LORA!! The ONLY person who understands that I can have a glass of wine each night who brought over the FIRST bottle we have received (we of course made her stay and drink it with us).

I hope to list every special one of you in the next few months because everyone of you is so special to me. New blog in about a week. Love to you all. Lynn & Tim

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hello! It's LYNN again with my medical update. I have been steadily recovering since my 2 week check up and yesterday's appointment was on the 3 week post surgery date. Seems likes months already, not weeks. Yes, all agree I have been very impatient with my recovery progress even though I guess I do know I am ahead of schedule at this point. We met with Dr. Choong, the medical oncologist, yesterday and in addition to discussing what the chemotherapy schedule would be, they also added a new update to the previous pathology report we had received during our last post surgery appointment. They let us know there are a number of additional lymph nodes involved/cancerous that are in locations near my heart and other vital organs which made it impossible to remove them during the surgery in which they removed my lung. This means that I will also need to have radiation therapy for six weeks following my recovery from chemotherapy.

My chemotherapy schedule will start on Friday, February 13th and will be ONE day of chemo every 3 weeks, and I will have 4 total treatments. That will take me out to Friday, April 17th which will be my final treatment. I will then be off a few weeks at the perfect time to attend Danny's graduation from Regis University in Denver on Sunday, May 3rd. After that, we will start the six weeks of radiation which would continue daily until just about the middle of June...and we now know that these things can always change. So our current saying, "Is it what it is". And that is how we are handling each new challenge we are given, "We'll deal with it".

There were 2 unexpected bright pieces of information we received during our appointment, there is a very good chance that I will NOT loose my hair during my specialized type of chemotherapy and I will continue to be able to have my NIGHTLY glass of RED WINE!!! LIFE IS GOOD!

I think I will be returning to work, on a part-time basis starting next week. I am still not allowed to drive so my work will be limited to what I can accomplish in the office. And I am exhausted by mid-day and need my naps right now. But I know I need to get out of this house on a regular basis. A couple of other things I have learned, my one lung will expand and do some of the work of the one I lost, but this process takes about two years to complete so I have to remain SOMEWHAT calm during all these very exciting MU basketball games because I run out of breath quite quickly right now. And this BELOW 0 weather has also been very difficult when I try to catch my breath or even take ONE breath outside. As the weather and I improve, I hope to get back to a little bit of social life outside my house in the future. I do need to stay healthy but haven't moved to the 'blue mask' idea yet.

I am thankful for all the people at Froedtert who are taking very good care of me. I am also thankful for all of you sending me card after card, and note after note, email after email, helping me to keep my positve attitude of gratitude. I thank God everyday for all that I have been given and ask for your continued prayers that I can accept and cope with all that I need to in the upcoming months and years.

I will probably not add another posting until after the start of my chemo on February 13th. A number of friends have responded that they were unable to post comments on this blogspot. I have changed the settings so see if it is easier now. For those of you who don't have it, my personal email address is PLEASE understand that I cannot respond to each and every email I receive, I am having a hard enough time trying to keep up with THANK-YOU cards and don't know if I will ever finish the ones on which I am behind!! BUT each and every piece of correspondence lifts me and my spirits so please keep up the communication on your end if that's not too much to ask!! I have not needed meals at this time but thank you for all the offers. Your words, thought and prayers have kept me feeling fantastic and they are what I need right now, and it's easier than cooking, right?? As I have needs arise in the future, I will let you know. I love you all!!


Saturday, January 17, 2009


Words on paper cannot express the gratitude I have for all that has been given to me, not only over the past two weeks during my recovery, but in my lifetime. That gratitude for life and all of you has been the focal point throughout my healing.

Thanks to each of you for the flowers, and the food (awesome chicken noodle soup), the toys, trinkets and tiara, the poems, books, magazines and movies, and one very special angel pocket charm. I am interested in knowing more about the gift and giver-ANONYMOUS-of the cross of St. Benedict??? Tim said he is sworn to secrecy or the prayers that come along with it will be voided??? Very intriguing.

Most of the “things” I have received are not “things”. I want each of you to personally know that every single prayer said, offering made, and sacrifice given-up has been an aid to me in my healing process. I have felt each one!

It is such a gift to be sitting here looking at “MY CANCER ROAD TRIP” as I have been calling it…looking back through the rear view mirror with my surgery becoming smaller and smaller. Looking straight ahead and coming up fast is my chemotherapy. Please continue the prayers that there are not many nails on the road causing flat tires, and that I don’t run out of gas before I reach the final destination in my drive toward cancer freedom.

And finally, the technical “stuff” about my surgery and future treatment. Not any surprises during surgery except they did find more lymph nodes involved along my sternum which were removed successfully. Also, they initially thought my cancer was the squamous cell type and it is actually the non-small cell adenocarcinoma type which is the type more often found in people who do not smoke.

Nothing found during the surgery will change my treatment course which includes chemotherapy once I am sufficiently recovered from surgery.

As I continue to recover over the next few weeks, I look forward to reconnecting with you all. But until then, my primary “job” continues to be healing, resting and staying healthy enough so I can get this chemo stuff started and finished. The majority of our blogs are most likely past but I will add a few once the chemo process starts.

I love you all very much!! God is good all the time. I am good, too.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wonder of Wonders....

Dearest family and friends,
If this is a little "over the top" I'm sorry but I have my roommate home tonight. My tenure appears to have come to an end as the beautiful Mrs. Steinle has returned to the comforts of home today. She still has a long way to go and we do not know what the future holds as we have not received the pathology reports, but she will be sleeping in her own bed tonight and for right now we are holding onto that as tightly as we can. It is really good to be able to put this in the rear-view mirror. By the way, you are cautioned not to try this at home by yourselves…God has been working overtime and he needs a little rest.
Our praises to the staff at Froedtert…a world class facility in our backyard. Everyone was fantastic and I won’t embarrass her, but one lady in particular will have a special place in our hearts forever.
Thank you one and all (if they need a testimonial, I'm there!). We are forever indebted. Lynn and I are so very blessed to have such beautiful family and friends.
Our daily entries will temporarily end (unless you think I have a future at this) but we will update periodically as the journey continues. We will let you know the pathology results when we get them and the treatment plan for the future. We are thinking six weeks until chemo starts. Remember, no news is good news so if there is nothing here, it is good!
As I said, Lynn needs rest so please, no visitors. Also, it is very important to keep her as healthy as we can…since we have jumped into the digital age, maybe a web cam???

As far as flowers, I think everyone knows how much we love flowers but we don't know where to put them any more...everyone is way too kind...a donation to your favorite person or agency in need?
Pop the champagne, dance in the street…
God bless you all!

Lynn and Tim

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4...You won't believe...

Well, I was trying to figure out why there was a miracle happening in front of my eyes when it came to me…God had an emergency somewhere else so he said “I have to finish this first before I head on to other business.”
As you may have come to learn I do exaggerate a bit, but what has occurred in the last 24 hours can only be described as that…miraculous! Lynn got essentially a full night of sleep, the pain is by no means gone, but well managed, and she was literally up all day walking the halls, doing stars, doing her pulmonary stuff, doing her PT, ordering and eating full meals and joking and laughing. She even yelled at me because I forgot her phone so she could text her kids! She kicked her family out so she could watch “Ugly Betty” (I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was a rerun)! What an incredible day. They are talking discharge in the immediate future (tomorrow?) “She’s back”!!

I am not pretending there are not going to be “issues” that we are going to have to deal with, but clearly this was a huge hurdle and Lynn has almost cleared it (I’m also good at clichĂ©s).
Although Lynn will be home soon and I’m sure everyone is dying to see her, she still can’t have visitors. She has made great strides, but she still has some healing to do and she needs her rest. We will talk about care for her when she comes home, but we will address that in a few days.
We cannot say thank you loud enough or enough times. Although I’m pretty good at Cannon Law, I’m a little weak on Scriptures... but I'm sure it's there someplace...Heal the Sick…you all can take credit for what has occurred! God bless you all! Also, big hugs to the "Angels" who have taken care of her at the hospital...
Love to all of you,
Lynn and Tim

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Journey:Day Three

The good continues to outweigh the bad (kind of because this overall is not fun). Lynn has almost all off her “tubes” removed and she pooped! I know I’m going to be in big trouble for that, but anyone who has been in the hospital understands how important that is! She is up and even did some stairs today. PT and pulmonary therapy continue to work with her. She is making huge strides. Again, overall a good day.
She still has pain and it rips my heart out to see her in such pain. She is so petite and her blood pressure is low to begin with that she is limited in the amount of pain medication she can receive. She really has not had “a good night’s sleep”. The staff continues to work and the pain level is better, but still an issue. Lynn gets an automatic pass to heaven because she is in purgatory right now. She also had a heart issue today. Because of the changes in her anatomy, the heart has to become accustomed to the new setup and there are some arrhythmia issues, but they caught it immediately and addressed the problem with medication. It appears to be an issue that is controllable as her body becomes adjusted to the new gig. Three steps forward, one step back.
We wish we could chat with everyone every night to personally thank you for all you have done and given to us, but time doesn’t allow. Also, we don’t mean to send the wrong message by asking you to not visit, but she is exhausted (and I want her all to myself).
Thank you for the continued love and support. We feel it every minute!
Our love to all,
Lynn and Tim

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Good Day

Dear family and friends,
If Lynn continues to make the progress she did today, my tenure as a blogger is going to be very short lived!
The day started off kind of bad as she continued to experience intense pain and did not sleep well. Her pain and lack of sleep lead to a very anxious and unhappy girl. The team at Froedtert would not quit. They removed her chest tube and went from the epidural to more traditional pain treatment. The medication began to work and as the pain diminished; her overall condition began to improve. She was moved from ICU to her own room. She was up in a chair for hours, began to eat (actually claiming to be hungry) and even though Lynn as teased me for exaggerating, she actually took a walk down the hall with her nurses. It was a joy to watch the day progress!
Needless to say, she was exhausted but really in a much better state of mind. We chatted quite a bit and she is content with where she is at. She was resting very comfortably and hopefully will sleep the night away. The staff has told us each day gets better so we are looking forward to brighter days. The road will have its bumps, but the Good Lord has been keeping His eye on Lynn.
Again, thank you all for the love and support you all have given to our family. We will hold this in our hearts always. HOWEVER, as much as we love you all, please no visitors. Lynn needs to heal and rest.
Love to all,

Monday, January 5, 2009

Surgery @ Froedtert

I am not as talented as Lynn so you all are going to have to put up with me for a few days.
Lynn had her surgery today. It was an early and anxious start. (I HATE informed consent!)Without boring you with the details, it was a good day. Although her right lung was removed in it's entirety, she came through the procedure well. The surgeon wanted to err on the side of caution and with her pulmonary tests, the team was very comfortable doing that. They essentially found nothing they did not expect, but of course we will await the pathology results. There was a problem with pain management, but they also fixed the right "cocktail" so that she was pain free and resting (sleeping) comfortably. She is breathing on her own without the need for a respirator and her breathing and heart rate are all very good. All good stuff! The staff was outstanding! We are eternally grateful to all (as well as the extra attention we got)!
She recognized me (not s sure that is a good thing) but it was wonderful to see that smile and beautiful blue eyes.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts. We are positive that is the reason things went as well as they did. BUT, we still have a battle in front of us so although there are others that may need your prayers, please keep us "on your list".
We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!
Lynn and Tim