BEFORE the first floor REMODEL

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Treatment---New Hope
So sorry for my tardiness! I know many of you rely on this blog. Our prayers have been answered for the meantime. Apparently, God listens (we should never be surprised) because we have been directed to Northwestern and a world- renowned lung oncologist, Dr. Jyoti Patel. We were more than a little nervous because we were not sure what options remained for treatment after we were told the cancer has returned in early September, and Froedtert did not think I was a candidate for radiation. I think Dr. Patel saw the somewhat apprehensive look on our faces when she came into the room because before she even introduced herself, she said she wanted us to know that there are a few conventional treatment options available and that is before we even have to look at clinical trials. I appear to be a candidate if we ever have to go that route. There appears to be a number of ongoing trials, one of which is in Madison.

She has prescribed Tarceva, an oral chemo drug, taken daily. The side effects include rash, fatigue, diarrhea (maybe this will take care of some of the weight gain from the last drugs) so I am not complaining! I am very happy to be off those awful steroids which made me feel for a few days like I had “mad-cow” disease. I really feel pretty good on this treatment. Dr. Patel is going to keep a close watch over me scanning me every month (I am so far behind on this I am already due for my scans). The other requirement is that my liver tolerates the treatment. I had the liver function tests which turned out fine and we will go to see Dr. Patel tomorrow, Thursday which will be 4 weeks on my new treatment. If this treatment didn’t work, we will move on to the next one.

I remain optimistic and I am grateful for all of the continued prayers and good thoughts not only for me but for all of my family. I have said this countless times, but words cannot express how thankful I am for all the love and support I have received over these many months. I love you all and plan to be around for a while to share that love with you. FOR THOSE OF YOU TO WHOM I STILL OWE THANK-YOU NOTES…PLEASE accept this as my written thanks for all the cards, gifts, PRAYERS, bible passages pertinent to my situation which have been written down for me, the great wine, and on and on and on and on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am receiving faster than I can reply but I pray every day for you-who are so faithfully praying for me.

Now back to work and play. I just returned from Portland, OR for a business meeting last week and this past weekend, went off to Door County for an annual “long weekend”. This Friday thru Monday it’s east to New York City for kosher corned beef and ‘purse heaven’ in Chinatown. Talk about fatigue! I will be happy to get back to work after all my travels! Seriously, we have hired 2 new employees on the health side and I have a part-time person helping on the disability side of the business. I have committed to slowing down. I cannot keep up with the demands of 10 hour days!! It will be a gradual slow down and our entire company has been so wonderful and understanding. I love the people I work with and my clients of the last 19 years and that’s why I go in everyday. Sometimes I am useless but they let me sit there anyway!!

God is good, all the time! Life is good, all the time!

I will write after my appointment at NWU.

Love to you all,