BEFORE the first floor REMODEL

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

OVERDUE Health Update

All I can say is I am sorry for not updating my information when I have so many people looking for my status and wondering at what 'prayer level' we currently are.
Okay, let's get right to the update. The oral chemo drug did not well enough for me to stay on it. The side effects were pretty yuck also so I was okay with stopping it. My recent CT scans showed similar results to the last time---the tumors still remain in the same three areas (lymph nodes near my removed lung, in the lining of an area near my removed lung, and in my adrenal gland) and all three tumors have grown slightly. The tumor in my removed lung lining has spread and permeated my right 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs which is causing some constant pain, similar to fractured ribs. They are controlling this with medication.
All of my MD's were in agreement that I should start radiation on my ribs to shrink the tumor and mitigate the pain. I have also received a PET scan and a brain MRI. Very good news that there were no tumors in my brain, or liver, or anywhere else for that metter!! Celebration!! Because my tumors are currently confined to only 3 areas, my MD's have agreed (reluctantly) to radiate all 3 areas simultaneously. The treatments are over 4 weeks. I have just begun week 2 yesterday and all is going well.
My MD's have stopped my oral chemo drug in search of a different systemic treatment with better results. These options are being further explored while I am in radiation and I hope something can be implemented soon after my radiation ceases. I NEED a successful systemic treatment (chemo) to survive.
The current prayer status is therefore changing from orange to red! Please pray my MD's find something that helps keep my tumors controlled. I was diagnosed last December 1st and I feel I have been successfully 'living with cancer' which was the goal all along. I feel good about this past year.
Now on to the social and family aspects of 'living'. Some of our dearest friends took care of ONE of only two items on my bucket list...and I can't think of the second item! We took a luxurious private jet to the ROCK 'N ROLL hall of fame and besides a great tour, we had FRONT row seats to a Janis Joplin musical tribute which was fantastic! A private post-performance party with all the musicians lasted way past my bedtime--we had a nice conversation and pictures with the lead singer of SANTANA! WOW summaries the trip.
I was also healthy enough to make a quick trip to Dallas where an SEBS associate was getting married. I stayed with friends who hosted the wedding...and came back and changed a number of items on my current remodel job to incorporate what I saw at their lovely home. I call my first floor remodel job 'The Jaki Project' as her home was the inspiration for redoing my kitchen and first floor.
My kids are all doing well and were home for Thanksgiving. Son Dan shot his first deer which will help feed him and his roomates who are teaching down at MUHS. Jake is busy selling to make his year end goals and Abbey is studying hard for some good grades this semester @ St. Mary's in Winona, MN.

In my second week of radiation, I am feeling a decrease in the 24/7 pain I had been experiencing. All your prayers have kept me successfully 'living with cancer' for an entire year!! I pray to God everyday for ALL of you who so generously keep me in your prayers. God thinks I am a VIP when he looks at the number of prayers coming into my name. THANK YOU and I promise to provide updates when there is news to report. I will be getting scanned after I complete the radiation therapy. Hugs & Kisses to all of you. Lynn