BEFORE the first floor REMODEL

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We Are Sorry for the Delay

We are sorry for not updating the blog for a while, but the days seem to get away from us. Lynn has rehired me to help with updates so you have to put up with me again.
In February, the pain returned after a successful round of radiation. Scans showed the cancer had not only returned but had progressed to lymph nodes which previously had not shown any signs of disease. Lynn was accepted into a Phase II Clinical Trial through University Hospital in Madison. They were testing different agents that target enzymes that allow cancer to grow. Unfortunately, after two “cycles” the cancer continues to progress. After consulting with a number of doctors, the current treatment program is going to be a return to radiation first and then a return to chemotherapy. Radiation to hopefully address the pain which is escalating way too quickly. Once the pain is controlled, it is the hope that systemic treatment will keep things “at bay” because the good news is the cancer still has not spread to any vital organ or to her brain.
Our continued thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts. Your continued love and support have been unending.
We are enjoying our new kitchen and keeping the new beverage center active.
All of our love